Selamat Menempuh Semester 2 2010/2011

Kepada semua pelajar Kejuruteraan Kimia USM Kampus Kejuruteraan, pihak kepimpinan ChESS dengan ini mengucapkan Selamat Datang ke semester baru sidang ini.
Diharapkan anda semua lebih bersemangat untuk belajar sambil memenuhkan ruang masa yang ada dengan pelbagai aktiviti terutamanya kelolaan ChESS sidang ini. Kami menantikan sokongan dan kerjasama dari anda semua!

Sekitar KiKEK 2010

Sekitar KiKEK 2010

Got First in NACES’ Technical PowerPoint® Presentation

The National Chemical Engineering Symposium, (NACES) is an annual event organised by the undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering in universities all over Malaysia.
This year, Universiti Teknologi MARA, UiTM was chosen as the host for NACES2010 under the theme of Green Technology. (copied from SCE Website here)

HAppy New Year & Chem-E-Car USM indoor competition

Welcome to second semester of 2010/2011 session and Happy New Year... may god bless you with more luck and happiness this year...

I am happy to annouce that the Chem E Car USM indoor competition is back this year. For your information the entries date for the competition have long past but still, if u are interested in it feel free to ask Mr. Amirul Islah(Chemical 2nd year) if there availablity for new contestant (this is an indoor competition, changes may still can be made)  and the estimated date and information for the competition is as follows :

                               Date : 9th of February 2011
                               Venue : Dewan Utama
                               Time   : 2.00 pm

any additional information or changes about this competition will be posted here. For those involve in this competition, wether as the judges, the organiser or the competitors .. I wish u all my luck and GAMBATE!! sayonara...

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